
Letter to you

I wish I could tell you

my dreams felt like dreams

how we held hands through the night

and danced on the clouds

the hills glimmered green

and the sky’s heaven blue

so many different words and phrases

I wish I knew how to tell you I love you

are connection is beyond time

beyond the small talk conversations

only the universe can understand

no doubt should be placed

I want to pull you out of the darkness

from where your flower bloomed

introduce the sun to your beautiful space

and whisper my love for you to the moon

from the beginning

I wish I could tell you

the world smiles

when I speak your name

how the planets align

when I speak of your greatness

I wish I could savor every second with you

forever is a long time

but I wish it would be even longer

when I’m with you

these are the words I try and say

deeper than I love you

this is my letter to you