Chris Duffy




Old Arthur he lay on his deathbed

His wife Ann Marie by his side.

It seemed like more than a lifetime.

Since he asked her to become his bride.


Old Arthur could feel death approaching

His heart was tired and weak.

“I’ve got a confession,” he whispered.

And he gathered his strength just to speak.


“You know we’ve been married a long time?”

He whispered.” And we promised never to drift?”

“ Well sometimes I felt that our love life occasionally needed a lift.”


Ann Marie then interrupted, “ Let’s not discuss this right now! “

It’s too late for dragging up history, t

too late for wherefores and how. “


Arthur wanted to tell her.

To confess how he betrayed his wife.

The best time to wipe the slate clean.

Was here at the end of his life.


“ Do you remember Mary?” He asked.

“ She lived at the end of our street,”?

“ Her husband went to the bowling club,

So each Wednesday evening we’d meet.”


“ I’m sorry “ He said, “ I deceived you.”

 I told you I’d gone playing pool.”

So I thought now’s the time to confess.

That I’m sorry and I feel such a fool.”


“ I never intended to leave you. 

because you are the love of mi life..”

It was just a mere lusty fling, 

she ‘d never replace you as mi wife.”


“And when I got home on a Wednesday, 

and you were tucked up in our bed.”

You’d leave me a note on the table,I’d open it and it read.; 

“ Welcome home my dear husband, my hero and number one guy.

“ Your dinner’s int oven on a low light, your favorite,Steak and ale pie.”


“ It might taste a bit tainted,” You wrote.“ It’s been in the oven some time..

 So enjoy your dinner and hurry to bed, to these loving arms of mine.”

“ You’d make the same meal every Wednesday, how could I be such a prat ?

“ Playing away each Wednesday night, I behaved like next door’s Tom Cat.! “

 Ann Marie smiled at her husband, and he wiped the tear from her cheek .

“ It’s nice just to let your hair down,  she said “Once or twice in a week.”


“ You see, when you went out on a Wednesday, Mary’s bloke came round to ours,”

  We made our escape from our cheating spouses, just for a couple of hours.

   You said that you felt like a Tom cat, and probably asked yourself why.

“ The three tins of cat food each Wednesday night, I used to put in your Pie! “