
Love? never again.

I fell in love once. It was the most beautiful thing in the world….but it was tainted 

Be it my inability to open up and let people past my steel walls or his inability to love me in his intoxicated state. We were never meant to last.

Our two wrongs didn\'t make our relationship any less toxic.


I’ll admit I lost a lot of who I used to be in that relationship, 

No longer that naïve girl willing to trust anyone, I\'ve become guarded and suspicious of people\'s intent. 

Used to being hurt eventually, I find myself detaching from any emotions that even resemble romantic interest. 

It\'s not worth it, the heartache I endured taught me that much.

I no longer allow myself to grow attached to people. 

It\'s not worth the pain of never being enough. 

People always think you need saving, or that they can change you


Being propped up on a pedestal so high it\'s impossible to live up to, but that\'s what people do,

they create an image of you in their head that you could never possibly achieve

Its insulting because not once has anyone asked if that\'s who I really am,

They just accept their own fantasy as fact, and when you disappoint them they claim you deceived them.


I fell in love once and honestly? I don\'t think I\'ll let myself do it again.