
What can be done?

Here followeth the first \'lesson\' maybe

On aspects of nuttiness!


What can be done

To stop, or reduce, my swooniness?

Is that even a word?!


Well, Fido helps with his fans

And feather dusters

And he has buckets of cold water standing by

To chuck over me

To revive me if I get too \'hot\'


But any poetry about \'tickling my fancy\'

Or \'slap and tickle\'

Sends me into another swoon 


I muse on - which is best, which will help me more

The slap or the tickle?

But Fido don\'t let me have either!

He says I best not have them


Fido says, Buck up, man

Have a less sheltered life

Pull ya socks up

Get ya coat, and get out more, as they say

And having got ya coat

Take me for more walks!
