
Wondrous Works

Tune: Langran

(\'Here now, O Lord, we see thee face to face\')

Psalm 19 v.1-6


The heavens they do declare the glory

Of God, and the firmament, sky, so be

Shows His handiwork, all them He has made

They all witness, His great power displayed


Day unto day utters speech, and night to

Night shows, reveals, knowledge, them may we view

There is no speech nor language where their voice

Is not heard, let us hear, that be our choice


Their measure is gone throughout all the earth

Thier words to the end world tell His worth

In them He has set a tent for the sun

Who as a strong man rejoices to run


The sun is as a bridegroom coming out

Of his chamber, and all prepare, no doubt

Its going forth is from end of heaven

Its circuit unto the other end then