
What Is Pure

In our booth, waiting, watching your tea grow cold

Back to the counter as I know they look at me with pity

Is it?

Not jealousy?

They knew you

You worked here

You chose me

It was only 5 weeks, and my soul has never been the same

It was love filled, now it just yearns

To see you sip the tea, the water never hot enough

Your crooked bangs framing your crooked smile

So many bracelets, I called you jingle

You would ask, was I ok?

Love so pure, so prefect, made me weak, breathing was hard with you

That weakness, that inability to believe I found love

I was never more perfect then in those 5 weeks, for I begun

Yet knowing all was fleeting, yet so honored for the shortest of time, I knew

I was altered, I was brought to the surface, by you

Then you left like the wind in our field

Where I kissed you, inhaled you, and in the silence of that wind that ran through my heart

I let the twinge of love into my heart

Now I sit, knowing what is so pure, only lasts as long as it\'s able

Tomorrow I will face the counter, think of you, and drink my coffee at our table

Thank You...now I know...and I am not afraid anymore...I’m finally whole.