Fay Slimm.





With its mysterious 
amber-toned nodular face
the fronded sight of a washed-up 
verdigris rope of kelp 
tugged by the merciless heaves
of a treacherous  ocean  
attracts my setting pen to paper.      

Shaped like a spiral  
of tactile curvature with open 
lipped lizard-look
flesh of prehistoric-ridged   
salty green knots its mouth juts
forward in jaw-torn  
cuts toward last living moments.

Tell me what violent 
power ejected your submarine 
life from forests of frills, what storm
dislodged your clasp,
wrenched you to billow skyward
and tossing your skin 
threw you dying onto the sand ?

Your prehensile torso
will never its secret now tell 
but I think I see battles in dimly lit
bed where liquid bellowing 
of wild undulation likely severed  
your quaking foothold 
ending resistance by breaker force.  

You, wet kelp anchored fast  
in watery weedland grew mightily
healthy once before 
so I now throw you back to saline 
wave-reaction and
leave you where you belong.