M. Evermore

Before the Judgement

I take a deep breath

Of cold, mourning air

And stare at what lies beyond

In the void of trickery and loss

Am I to be Orpheus?

Looking for my Eurydice?

Or am I to haunt what’s left of humanity

 A silent oath is whispered,

Mouthed in deadened silence

A step forward

Then back

I am uncertain

Humanity fears the unknown

Does this make me human too?

I cannot think,

Yet my thoughts do not stop

I am frozen as if by Medusa

Cursed by goddess Athena

What will happen to me,

If I chose to be brave?

Will I find paradise?

Or will they find my sins too great?

I can hear the singing,

The wailing,

The screaming

Am I a sinner

Or a saint?

When I bow down to the three kings,

Will they praise me

Or curse me?

The call is too great,

My spirit too weakened

I walk forward, unsteady,

Unsure of my surroundings

As I walk the dreaded stroll to my destiny

Humans fear ghosts and demons

I understand

I fear myself, too