
Rev. Eugene Williams

When my uncle married your daughter in 1975, you became his father-in-law.
Your daughter gave birth in 1979 and that was when you became a grandpa.
You lived long enough to see your great-great-grandchild, that\'s a privilege that many don\'t receive.
You raised a family and you were a preacher, those were great things that you were able to achieve.
It must have been nice to hold your great-great-grandson.
If you hadn\'t died, today you would\'ve turned ninety-one.
Your life came to an end and you entered the Pearly Gates.
After living a long life, you died at the age of eighty-eight.
You preached the word of God when you became a Reverend.
Today would\'ve been your birthday if your life hadn\'t come to an end.