I\'m on a constant pull
Away miles and miles
My feet doesn\'t rest
Even when my mind does
Dragged to the woods
Tunnels dark and sorrowful
This orange and pink hues
Fail to touch my skin
There\'s a black world fearful and cumbersome
I am called and reminded constantly
How do I rest?
I hear the winds weeping with the glow worms
This door doesn\'t open on usual stormy evenings
But these days midnight lashes into my bed
Making way to escape
And doors and windows of my soul
Are left wide open
Some morning my feet wouldn\'t touch the ground like it does
Forgive me O lovers
My house is in the wild
My breaths are under trials
And my bandages are just about to freed
This world of needles
Doesn\'t bear with my time
Your clocks and my watches have different days and nights
My mornings cry for sunflowers in the wild
You can have your garden
Leave the way to the woods for me........
___Priyanka Koley