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Criminal Malpractice by UT Southwestern Medical Center

UT Southwestern has been involved in criminal acts against patients to conseal malpractice including operations without consent! They have a “risk management and record sharing agreement” which constitutes a violation of Antitrust Laws, a non-compete agreement and a violation of consent and the Hippocratic Oath because they are literally lying to patients about their diagnosis, treatment and medical conditions for YEARS to conceal injuries caused by malpractice. Who knows this is going on? The Attorney General Ken Paxton, Governor Abbott, the Texas Medical Board, HHSC, Lois Kolkhorst, the Office of Civil Rights etc. This is widespread and systematic practice at UT Southwestern. They give fraudulent radiology readouts if you actually look at the images. I have proof of this because it happened to me. The Federal Court System, Office of Civil Rights and Attorney General of Texas have done all they can to hurt me further, deny me Accommodation under the ADA, refuse to hear my Constitutional Challenge to Tort Reform as non-jurisdictional (lol, it’s literally a federal question) and remove my filings from the Docket.

Contact me via social media or at [email protected] if you have similar experiences or have any questions.