Dr. Soma




Life starts with zero.

Life finishes with zero.

Our whole life we count our wealth, our achievements,

But we don’t matter how many good deeds we did in our entire life.

We are born as human beings.

But we forget we are human.

Inhumanity, and brutality cover up our morality. Why?

What is our lacking?

Scarcity? Want? Or Demand?

But we cannot satisfy no matter what desire we fulfilled.

We want more than what we get.

But to fulfil these demands we lost our humanity.

Then our all deeds went to vain.

And humans deform into inhuman.

So, we should lessen our demand and our expectations.

Then we can be happy, and this will make others happy.

To lead a happy life basic needs are essential.

Beyond these needs, nothing is essential.

So, we should keep the struggle to achieve basic needs to survive.

Not to need lavish life to survive.

We should not forget that we have to say goodbye to all.

Those who are sleeping in the graveyard, maybe they were rich, beautiful, or successful person once.

So, everything must end one day.

Our countdown is going on.