

A stingy watchman named Jack, never made it back, from drinking with the devil

So they say, he made the Prince of Darkness pay, for the drinks of their revel

Furthermore, being tight, he kept Satan\'s money that night, making it Moloch\'s loss

And made the evil one agree, that in hell he would never be, with the aid of a cross

When he died, in heaven he wished to abide, but God said no!

A man that makes a deal, and does steal, from the devil belongs below

But Satan, with a grin, wouldn\'t let Jack in, between heaven and hell he must roam

So that no more deals could he make, Lucifer his tongue did take, now Jack\'s silent, without a home

But he gave Jack a coal, to light his way while on patrol, as he wanders through the night

Not to burn his hand, the coal he jammed, into a stolen skull, where as a lantern it shines bright

Don\'t let your desire, to follow fools fire, willow the wisp or the fire of a fairy

Lead you to dark places, where Jack\'s face is, or your head he may carry

Now he needs a child\'s soul, to fuel his coal, and keep his lantern alight

On All Hallow\'s Eve, don\'t let him you deceive, a jack-o-lantern\'s lost soul could take yours tonight