Chris Duffy

Mr Pierrepoint\'s Briefcase.

Mr Pierrepoint’s briefcase.


Mr Pierrepoint’s briefcase went with him to “ The Nick.”

Filled with straps and ropes and cuffs designed to make it quick.

Seconds to collect you, quickly to unlock.

The door behind the wardrobe.leads ya to the drop.


Days before you meet him, you’re sitting with the guards.

Marking tortured hours,endless games of cards.

Days of preparation, measuring the rope.

Designed to make you suffer, lost sanity and hope


Friendly conversations smoke a cigarette.

Peeping through the spy hole, measuring your neck.

The appointment can’t be cancelled. It\'s one you can’t refuse.

Calmly take you from your cell, slip you in the noose.


Get it over quickly, make it a surprise.

Put the hood on swiftly to mask those condemned eyes.

The strap he shakes your hand with. tightens like a vice.

Get it over quickly then you’ve paid the price.


Mr Pierrepoint’s family excelled within the trade

Mercy was a bonus, only Mr Pierrepoint gave.

A nine AM appointment heightening the gloom

Your destiny lies among unconsecrated tombs


Mr PIerrepoint’s briefcase went with him everywhere

To carry out the actions that judges wouldn’t dare.

He doesn\'t want a struggle as you’re taking your last breath.

Nice and easy does it, as the state puts you to death.