
What Did You See?

Pine needles still in your hair

I cannot believe we were just there

Coming out of the forest to cross the road

A glance back at me, I savor now, not to know

You would never smile again, at least not in my life

For that night you took your life

From a sorrow you kept hidden

Something so forbidden

I chose to never know

Now all moves so slow

Nights are journeys of despair

Holding that banket that smells of your hair

And to this day, a needle will fall from it

That came from the tree, were we lay, not knowing you were ready to quit

My solace is I was not the one you feared

Nor was I the savior I wish I could have been

Your silence was our end

The month the pine needles fall…I sleep in the forest to recall

Eyes so golden, framed in messy hair…looking up at me

What did you see?

The one that hurt you, or the one that filled you with love?

I pray it was love…and me.