
Let Golden Job be Well-Done

Please love your profession
Be happy for its possession
Whenever comes confusion
Let confidence get infusion

The job pays you very well
Poverty-cat, you can bell
Prosperity is made total
So it is precious, I tell

If the job is very tough
And superiors are rough
Quit not, saying enough
Just develop your stuff

Think of the huge pay
For which you did pray
You can happily stay
And enjoy every day

If all the troubles you bear
And overcome every scare
All the work, if you share
You will appear to all fair

Learn the secrets of the trade
And try to achieve A-grade
Help with love every comrade
Through efforts, give all shade

Try to acquire more knowledge
Break every wall, build a bridge
You may stand on razor\'s edge
Still, do your duty, do not grudge

Exploitation may be surely there
But, still to do the best, you dare
Duty is God, please be aware
Accept calmly all wear and tear

Surely your sincerity will be noted
For promotions, you will be voted
As you are to your job devoted
Definitely you will be promoted

A job sanctions you riches
Real satisfaction, it fetches
It helps play on life\'s pitches
Solving all kinds of hitches

So now please be very clear
About a job\'s worth my dear
Forget tear, pick up cheer
Remove fear, start to steer.
M V Venkataraman