
I am coming home Mama

I am coming home Mama


At dawn, as the singing birds of the air,

The buzzing insects with voices so sweet and fair

Submerge into a collaboration of -sweet forest song

My soul is not rejoicing with them.


My soul is preparing for another day

To be spent wearing overalls of despair

Whose leaking pockets

Mock my very life.


At dusk, as they embrace each

I have only my knees to hug, mama

And as they share supper spoils,

I -only have water to quench both hunger and thirst.


All l ever wanted was

To kiss the moon, mama

Bask in its luminous radiance

And dine with the flickering stars

But I’ve been eating from opportunity\'s empty bowl.



I\'m coming home, mama –

I’ll happily live in your collapsing hut

Whose gaping eyes

whimper tears of uncertainty


I’m coming home mama

Where we shall share empty pots of hope,

Our stomach swelling with love and warmth