
Teaching Respect.

There we were

Fighting our way round the supermarket,

Among so many people,

When suddenly we were hit by a trolley,

The trolley was being pushed by a young boy.

His parents shouted at him.

“Look where you are going!”

They apologised and made him apologise.

As far as we were concerned

It was just one of this things that happened.

And told that family that all was OK,

Not to worry.


We all moved on into the next aisle,

Suddenly the little boy appeared again,

Came up to us and said,

“I am so sorry I did that”

I looked at him and said,

“Do not worry all is fine”.

He said thank you and started to walk back,

Back to his parents who were watching.

I called him back,

Held out my hand for him to take,

And we shook hands

To show all was well.

He looked puzzled,

He went back to his parents

And I do hope they will explain,

Explain to him what a handshake means,

That it is a sign of forgiveness.

I am sure that his parents will do this

As they seem to be raising him with respect,

Respect for all,

And this is so rare these days.

If only all children could be shown,

Be shown how wonderful respect can be.

I wish young boy well in his life.