Denise Roddis

Lessons in Love

Love is such a truly magical place;
It is the pouring sunshine - the heat upon your face,
It is the aqua waves rippling on a white sanded beach,
It is the frosted stars and harvest moon just out of reach.
It is not shattered glass on an oak stained floor,
It is not someone else who claims to be more,
It is just the feeling of home, on a clothes washing day,
It is a drive in the car
And the conversations that you say.
It is drinking the poison chalice
That you served without thought,
It is listening to and compromising,
Doing all the things that you ought,
It is taking the time to tie each  knot to every suture,
It is the planning of hopes and dreams and memories for a future.
Love is the tapestry you continue to weave,
To love is to gift, and to gift, is to receive.
By Denise Roddis
(Instagram @officialdeniseroddis)