sirlocowicked AKA Bubba

Halloween πŸŽƒπŸ‘»πŸπŸ§‘

It\'s almost time for tricks and treats,

All the costumes and decorations will be so neat. Ghost and goblins batman and Robin, Halloween party\'s where apples 🍎🍏 are a bobbin. Scary movies and football games, hundreds of trick or treaters not knowing their names. Cooler nights,sweatpants and a bon fire πŸ”₯, checking out All the costumes as you admire. Remembering the fun you had as child, back in them days our costumes were really really wild. A bed sheet with three holes was One of mine, had to Wear it and smile and better not whine. way back when You could go to anybody\'s home 🏠, even the house that was loaded with gnomes. After a night of tricking and treating, couldn\'t wait to get home to start the eating. The eating of the candy 🍬🍭 that filled your pillowcase,not before your Moms checked for a Trace. Some houses had the big sized candy bars, while crossing 🚸 the street looking out for cars. leafs πŸŒΏπŸ€ be falling 🌬️ wind be blowing, front porches and windows with jack-o\'-lanterns πŸŽƒ be glowing. Hope you have a wonderful spooky and scary Halloween, rather your a king, a witch, spider πŸ•ΈοΈ Man or even a queen. πŸ‘‘ help your kids enjoy this spectacular night, show them the fun and not the fright.


Happy Halloween peeps!


Johnny p Chavez
