
Rock Paper Scissors, Shoot.

Rock, paper scissors

decisions, decisions.

My dads up in heaven,

my moms eyes lost their light.

We were still clinging on to the hope,

Of him coming back.


It’s just 600 a month,

It’ll have to make due. 

Mom’s working two jobs,

but it just won’t do.

Life is chaotic,

don’t have time to stop it. 

Got diagnosed with fibrosis,

My mom can’t pay the fees.

I wished life were kind, 

to people like me.


I  don’t want to be a burden,

already been it for years. 

The night feels alive,

the best time to fly.

I stare down below,

only concrete awaits me. 

I see my surroundings, 

all dark, black and shady. 

I think back to the time, 

where I was truly happy. 

I reminisce on the fact, 

that such a future awaits me. 
