Michael Tee

So… Does This Mustache Look Cool? Or is it just a Waste of my Time?

Oh wow! I’ve never been to Boston but I hear it\'s a really cool place

Aware of the stare 

that they have have placed 

on the thing that I’ve  grown with passion and care

Right smack dab on my face


I thought it neat and now I’m attached 

to the the little red hairs that I call a mustache 

Do you think it looks good? I mean… not that I care

But it’s the best that you’ll get if you want facial hair 


Yeah it\'s served me quite well

been with me a while 

and it adds a nice pop to 

To brighten a smile


Well maybe I’ll ditch it

or give it the slip 

but for now I still keep it 

to warm my top lip