
Speaking To Our Soul

Tune: Hereford

(\'O thou who camest from above\')


Psalm 42 v.5

Why are you cast down, O my soul?

Why disquieted in me, not whole?

Hope you in God, for I shall yet

Praise Him, I shall Him not forget


Psalm 42 v.5

And He shall not forget me, He

Shall help me in my troubles, see

Shall turn His face, His countenance

To me, I shall His presence sense


Psalm 42 v.11

And hope you in God, my soul here

He your health, shall to you appear

Bring you His salvation, and you

Shall praise Him yet again anew


Psalm 43 v.5

Yes, I shall praise Him, my help He

And constant companion shall be

My health and my salvation sure

O God, you my God evermore