It\'s said that
The things we learn from old
are more precious than diamond or gold
So let me tell you a story of 2 seasons
That I have been told
You might be thinking there are 4 seasons
And I also know that\'s true
Still I won\'t telling you now
What happened to the remaining two
But It\'s somewhere on earth
So we also got 12 months like every place do
6 months of hot and
6 months of cold
That\'s summer and winter seasons of the story
That my father told
I was also curious like you all
And asked \"what happened to spring and fall?\"
But my father replied \"If you want to know,
give your grandpa a call.\"
FYI my grandpa\'s photo is
already on the ancestral hall
Then I shut my mouth to hear the story
But my father gently patted my head
And said in low voice
\"Son I\'ll tell you story next day
Because it\'s time for your bed\"
I was little upset with the flow of time
Thinking why it is so fast
But as my father stoked my head gently
I feel asleep and my anger did not last.
To Be Continued.........