

Desires leave the soul unsatisfied
The quenching of one leads to another
Consummation is sought among calamitous clouds
Is this happiness that thrills the mind?
The Joy of burning lies in patience
The Verge of sorrow in happiness
Deprive me of satisfaction
And may I remain eternally thirsty.
My life is a meeting and a parting
Where time embraces times after an age
I pray for your pleasurable brooding
And delight in your attempt to look through me.
May you rest in nature’s bosom
And I fail in holding on to you
Let this fragile form gradually vanish
And I merge with time in time.

You are an eternal waiting
And I a slow forlorn traveller
My steps get erased quickly
And I still seek my religion’s end!
Why don’t you settle in my mind
And silently witness things painful?
I have attempted to look for you
As a stranger his unknown land.
You are morning’s delight
And I evening’s sorrow
I cry and pass my woeful days
And hide when my hour arrives to converge.
I have lost you in finding
And finding I think you lost
May my delusion get dispelled
And leave this life dis-satisfied.