Ugochi Anya

Is love blind?

Is love 


 Moments I could remember I shared 

Leaning on your laps 

With your fragrance all over me,

I asked for the day never to come to an end

So that I could be with you always.

My lips were painted with a kiss of your words.


I walked with no fear of whom you are to me.

If the world was like a house, 

I would strive to let just us be together, 

The love between us that was able to melt any ice that came to our drink

The days we walked like couples with unending laughter.

I have loved such days and had always wanted it to be that way forever! 


But I\'m torn and broken with the sight of thoughts 

I waited so long, to believe all that my heart told me 

So it had been true.

Where are those lovers?

My heart whispers 

Can\'t love see anymore that its partner is hurt? 

I hope never to pour my grievances on anyone, 

Only to watch my steps. 


I hear the question that often comes to my heart, 

Is love really blind?

It had forgotten the days and words spoken out of it?



My heart is broken 

And left confused 

I Hope someday to see love in action and not in words

I have been tormented with the word\" love\"

Is love really blind that it doesn\'t see the outcry of the other to call the one who withdrew back. 

I hope to\" see in love” and not to be blind in it.