Ugochi Anya

Desperate hearts

Desperate hearts


Have you seen little children dragging who takes largest meat?

Have to seen little children argue over a single sweet that fell on the floor ? .

How big is my heart 

It could allow sharks swim in it.


Yet, it couldn\'t see

How big it was made .

So I kept digging for a long time

I wasted hours expanding my heart

To allow myself to be seen alone.

Only to see the wasted years

Little did I know 

In me was a heart built to hold him alone.


So I dropped my materials 

And I came to the light source 

My heart was set ablaze 

Each heart beat counted on you

Each heart beat , threw me unbalance

I inhaled your word daily 

They moments I fell.


I\'m in chains 

Tangled by this attitude

Yet my heart cries more.

I have inhaled your word

Yet my heart cries it can\'t survive 

Without you.


I\'m desperate for you 

I\'m dragged daily into you .

I have filled my heart with you 

My heart got addicted with you

May I never stay a day without thinking of you

May I never stay my life not wanting more of you. 

To the more of you I desire .

Help me keep desiring to stay with you 

Longer than ever 

As a child desires to eat chocolates daily.