The Soul Speaks…
What is a man without his eternal soul,
For the body and mind are here today and gone tomorrow, like an enterprise without a well thought goal,
Our destiny unfolds itself according to the beliefs we hold within our being,
Without us consciously realising so, like a product produced without proper screening,
We many a times are not very conscious of what we think, feel and do in the course of our life,
And sometimes purposefully ignore the Karmic Count of our birth, like committing a mistake with no intent to apologise,
We fail to realise that this life we have is a gift from The Divine,
And the wrong we commit is a blatant abuse of this gift, which by itself is a dangerous sign,
A person blessed with a Divine Soul need not do anything to impress anyone,
For his actions are always in sync with his pure conscience, making him lead a stellar life, like how an athlete relates to his run.