

When judging a sculpture or work of art

With what or where should you start

From bottom, top, front or behind

Looking for good or faults to find

Is it based on your first impression

Or on the details of its unfolding expression

Does it look the same up close or far away

Does it give the same feelings as yesterday

Or when seen in the future after wear

How against others does it compare

Does it look the same in the dark or morning light

When one is in love or after a fight

The same to the unschooled or educated critic

To the rich or poor or the cynic

Does it matter if seen by women or men

A child or forigners or who the creator has been

Is it influenced by your prejudiced beliefs

Or is its value simply on its own motifs

The answers to these questions are up to you

It\'s what\'s in your heart and mind that\'s true