

she was sitting all alone under the moonlit sky

she felt alone in a world so large

in a world that chose her to pick sides 

in a world that forces her to close her eyes

for all she saw was murder, murder and all

she saw children running on the streets

and she saw mothers in taxis going on retreats

she saw parents arguing 

and couples hand in hand

how lovely they looked in each others arms

she saw animals shot 

with blood blots

she saw teenagers run away 

she saw children stay and play

she saw children judged for who they liked

and elders ride their bike

she saw homelessness in all its kinds

she saw children starving

and parents wondering how they were going to get by

she saw many firsts

like a newborn baby

she saw teenage girls on the phone stating \"why do they hate me\"

she saw teenagers hanging from their fans

she saw girls dressing as guys and guys dressing as girls

she saw girls getting a new necklace of pearls

she saw men drunk as can be 

she saw mothers wishing they could flee

she saw birds take flight

she saw kids in a fist fight

she saw everything everyone else didnt see

and she wondered 

in a world that can only be

why is there no peace and tranquility?