
Big Foot

Big foot in it, that is - me sometimes!

Nope, not a poem about a yeti or monster

But about being too cynical sometimes


I preach it to myself

\'Woof! practise it then\' says Fido


It only ends up that we are embarrassed

Or thinking \'I shouldn\'t have said or done that\'

It seems clowning can go too far

But not to be a misery guts!


I discovered \'playboy/girl\' description

(No, not that! swoon!)

\'Woof! says Fido, in case it was that

And I got too \'hot\'

Barking to save me from a swoon!


But it\'s someone who just mucks about

Similar to a \'clown or \'joker\'

An example is: I said

\'Oh, I can\'t stand [name] much\'

Then it turned out a person said

\'Oh, I know him/her; he/she is a lovely person\'


Then I leave red-faced and downcast

Taking Fido with me

He barked to warn me

I didn\'t listen. Doh!


Fido is revealed as my \'watchdog\'

He must be my conscience!

But he is an imaginary talking, reading, barking dog too

He sits with me on dark evenings by the fire

Reading these poems

With his pipe (no tobacco in it) and carpet slippers on

Oh, and checking I don\'t add too much water

To the whisky!