
Flourished to death

Flourished to death,


Is what was my sweet Annabeth,


Mourning and wailing,


On this insufferable ocean, I am still sailing,


My tears danced with the rain,


How could you leave me in such intolerable pain?


The once beautiful waves that took after you eyes,


Are now sure to be my demise,


But the emptiness in my heart still grows,


It is now taking your place at the post,


Your death hit my heart like a whip,


Now here I am, cold and wet on this damned ship


Oh how I crave for your touch,


But now the pain is growing far too much.


I am sorry my darling and love,


I hope one day I can join you above.

Oh how I adore her cheerful smile,


I wish I could grab her hand and ask to dance with her for a while,


To your beautiful face,


And the way you glide across the dance floor with such grace,


The way you seem to always make the shine,


I wish she were mine,


Even if it were for a day,


These words I hold inside but desperately want to say,


And ask if she would take one moment if her life,


And consider being my wife,


May we stay together till death,


My sweet Annabeth,


To hold and dance with you,


Is all I have ever wanted to do,


So give me that pretty grin and shake your head yes,


And with your love could you bless,


Bestow this ring upon your finger,


And may our time together linger,


To live, to laugh, and cry with you is my only desire,

our love is the only thing that is acquired.


So may I ask for your hand tonight,


To share this minuet with you would be a lovely delight                                                                                            


Come my love, let us dance this night away,


Your body tonight I hope I sway,


This warm night in the middle of May,


So please let me hold you tight,


And kiss you a sweet goodnight,


You have made this night’s meaning have more depth,


My sweet darling, Annabeth.

Look at you go,


Every second you’re away, my worry will grow,


On the beautiful water grave,


Every second you’re on the ocean, your touch I crave,


My time here is coming to it’s limit,


My need for this liquid death is sure to be here by the minute,


Drunken slurs and curses are thrown your way,


I wish you did not leave me astray,


Why couldn’t you just stay with me,


Why couldn’t they just leave us be,


Instead of sending my love out to sea,


Oh darling, I feel like an animal,


Devouring every bottle of liquid encouragement should be criminal,


If I were to stop would you stay?


Come back and not leave me in this uncivilized state,


Oh dear, I feel sick,


I’m so sorry that this all happened so quick,


Stumbling and long heaved breaths,

My end is coming soon, this I sense,


I just wish you were here to fulfill the lonely you have cursed me with,


Oh love, it is you I miss.


My time is cutting short,


I wish you were here and tell me your here to give me love and support,


But then again, it was you I never deserved,


I feel it was your life I have purged,


Now I lay here with my last breath of life,


It was certainly a blessing to be your wife,


May I see you above with angels similar to you,


I hope this horrible society you shall be able to get through,


I am sorry my dear,


But when you come back, I won’t be here.