Fay Slimm.

Remembering Them



Remembering Them.


Let us remember
all imprisoned birds, in order to sing
must visualize
winging to find freedom across open
countryside so
into war\'s cell young marchers strode
whistling then sang
as loaded missiles whined over-head.

Without prior warning a boy started
quietly, others
joined in and soon a tunelessly loud
number proudly
bellowed refrains into shell\'s flak-fire
as going down
behind black hills in yellow dust-ring
the day\'s sun died
while gunfire soiled aftermath gloom.


Their singing lifted to smoky horizons
with undaunted
courage and when nearing gun-blast
lads\' explosive
songs became louder within bedlam\'s
fear-drenched trenches
and sunk trust in war\'s godless intent.

Youth\'s face grinned as bloody scene
became louder and by 
sheer resistance to hell\'s rattling rain
fright was held back when
cheery male laughter and balladeering
went on to defy
battleground wailing until breath failed
and young songbirds
when in last thoughts of home-land at
some closing moment
let fight cease with throe\'s final breath.


Valour\'s sound battle,
over for such lads meant voicing effort
bought right into wrongs.  
Red as the poppies spilt new blood then
yet alive still their songs. 

Let us remember..... and never forget.