
Death Bearers

I see a thousand suns rising bright, glowing platinum
But my palenquin bearers have rung the bell 
The evening cuckoos have sung the hyms 
Those enormous vivid worlds of ablaze 
Cease to my eyes and fails to find the glimpse 
My leverage of labours 
Have counted their day\'s end 
Keep your palms forever faced the land of eternity 
For that is all it owns 
My eyes too now shuts it\'s door
Buring alive hopes and lives 
The windows of my heart 
And the broken holes of my soul 
Has grasped in it 
What remains blooming like 
In the land does the grass 
My eyes and the sun crosses path last time in ever
Fortitude shall seek it\'s union 
For life shalt never cease......
___Priyanka Koley