
simple things

Why do we make everything so complicated? It is a simple question which can not be answered as simple as one might hope. Or maybe it can? Maybe that is the entire point. To sit back and let our minds roam to the answer of that very question. Why do we make everything so complicated and, if we want to, how can we stop? Why do we make everything complicated? Because simple answers don’t make the complexity of life justice. Because we feel there is deeper meaning to everything we experience. And that is true. But maybe there is no deeper meaning because we live on a floating “rock” in space and everything, our entire existence, is a coincidence. A deeper meaning is just what we invent to make our incredibly coincidental lives seem poetic and beautifully romantic. And why should we not? Between the wars and injustice that happens every day whether we take notice of it or not, why should we not romanticise the overpriced cup of coffee or the new notebook in which we write every little thought we feel has purpose but never show anyone. Perhaps we have to create our own purpose because humans were not put on earth to play any other role than simply exist and discover this planet with everything it has to offer. So sit in the sun and listen to the birds sing. Be annoyed when their chirping is too loud and close your window but never, never close off your mind. Dream, have ideas, try to be original in a world where it is hard to be original because every person is different but essentially the same and is that not great! Take up space! Get up early to enjoy the sunrise, with a friend or alone. Or sleep until noon and treat yourself to a ridiculously expensive breakfast if that makes you enjoy your life. It does not matter if you don’t let every decision or opinion dictate your life because that is your whole purpose. Find comfort in the so called ordinary things like reading a book, going on walks or the smell of freshly baked brownies. Free yourself from the pressure of having to perform at a new “personal best” if it makes you anxious. Perhaps the whole point of life is to simply live. Maybe going back to our roots or reinventing ourselves completely is the way to be happy. Find your own place on this damned planet and if you don’t like it, change it! Most of the time you are your own prison. Or do the thing that comes easiest to you and don’t do anything of what was mentioned because it is your life! And maybe, just maybe the things that human beings really need to live are not the newest technology or fancy furniture, which you can of course still enjoy, but maybe it is more about the unmaterial things we all have inside ourselves and have spend ages trapped away. Life can be beautiful, sad, awful, tragic, incredibly boring or too much but trust that with a little bit of love even the most mundane things can be quite fascinating and be the light in this otherwise dark world. So please just LOVE! In every way you know how because it truly does not have to be this complicated if we focus on the thing that drives all of us. You might not know it until you find it. Or you might lose it along the way. But it will always be there.