Chris Duffy

Barbed wire breakfast.

Barbed Wire Breakfast.

Barbed wire breakfast in the mornings,
Slate grey days longing to be free.
Ashen nights served cold and uninviting.
You smile and slip the strychnine in my tea

Choking on those broken dreams you gave me,
Wishing that I’d left you yesterday.
Hatred is the only thing we share now.
The love we made now lost along the way.

Once upon a time we were together.
Our lives secured and served upon a plate.
We shared our life and love for one another.
Now we live in bitterness and hate.

I stare into the mirror on occasion.
I ask myself why I still remain.
Silence gives to stilted conversation.
Criticism becomes our only game.

The common ground between us now in dispute.
Each morsel of attainment ours to claim.
Better that we cut our ties and go now.
Time to end the suffering and pain..

Our lives lie lost and trampled on the carpet
Comments like projectiles launched with spite.
Do I pack my bags and leave today?
Or do I wait and stay another night ?

The razor wire that somehow seems to bind us.
Still cannot contain my troubled heart.
Time to take the shackles from each other.
Time to let another chapter start.

Time to stop pretending and believing, that we are bound to turn another leaf
I can’t live with you or think of life without you.
Both of us are stranded by our grief.