Santajah Douglass

Young girl

You been through so much young girl

The world should open up young girl

You can be what you want to be young girl

You can love who you want to love young girl


When your young they say alot 

When your young you think alot and do alot

When your young you must be careful 

When your young your moves are made for


Young girl you can dance!

Young girl you can sing!

Young girl you can Act!

Young girl said All I ask for is a chance 


I\'m the young girl and what do you see

I\'m the young girl who whole heart is as pure as the sea.

I\'m the Young girl who was hurt,misunderstood and worst

I\'m the Young girl who still believes in her dreams and most of all hard work 


I\'m a Young girl males do not own me

I\'m a Young girl being used is beneath me

I\'m a Young girl and I\'m black and I\'m proud of that 

I\'m a Young girl but don\'t misinterpreted that