
Poetry Writing Prompts

1, Take something apart with your eyes, nose, tongue, fingers.

2, Find the unfindable, the thing that can´t be expressed in words, find words.

3, Search the hidden meaning, the feeling, scour the thing from floor to ceiling.

4, That pang in your heart, bring it out, that longing that wants to be expressed, let it move the pen.

5, It´s no longer about the thing but about your soul, an aspect of the divine or maybe the divine is tarnished.

6, It doesn´t matter, it´s all truth. Bring it out and touch the roof.

7, Sing the melody and write the lines.

8, Let yourself feel energized, wistful, open hearted, broken hearted.

9, Look back at the thing from which it started.

10, and Breathe.