Brandon De Nobrega

Safe Driving Saves Lives

Throttled, death.

The roads, wet.

A life, lost.

The destination, never met.


Two road signs, one green and one red,

Complementary colors, flashing over one’s head.

The signs from below, and the signs from above,

  Yet caution practiced not, leaving a poor soul dead.


“I CARE FOR MY LIFE,” proclaims one man,

But two days later, a dog is in the sand.

He careth yes, but he careth not,

For the life of a creature which seems so small,

But if it was a child, he would’ve wept and bawled,

A life is a life, equal in death and equal alive,

Any life should be a life significant to us all.


A story is a tale, and a tale unknown,

Of a man who drifted into the vast unknown,

After ignoring the warnings and dodging the signs,

After forgetting to buckle up his belt,

After forgetting not to drink before he drives,

After killing a man working the roads on the sides,

After forgetting to practice consideration and care,

He takes many lives, and ended many heirs.

Lives upon lives he ended that day,

Disappearing forever, somewhere far far away;

Because the law never sleeps, and the law always knows,

He got caught and faced charges,

A punishment suitable for the victims’ sorrowful woes.


It’s common sense to show courtesy to drivers on the road,

But common sense is no longer common,

Humans evolved backwards, and that’s being kind to say,

Because humans can now take a life without looking the other way.

How sad have times become, where “being human” equates to being scum;

Is it that hard to be aware,

To practice road safety awareness everywhere,

To follow the 5 C’s and simply adhere!


Safe driving, saves lives.

Protect yourself, and protect another,

Protect an innocent child just walking with their mother,

Prevent a mishap, prevent a plight,

Do your part and do it right!