M. Evermore


I can hear my breath in the quiet,

See the warm air breathe out

In the chill of the morn,

It is the only sign of warmth

There is frost on the ground,

Making what ought to be liquid and dew,

Icy and frozen

I am standing in a garden,

My little secret pride

What once was green and full of life

Is now white with snow alike

I have stepped into a new land,

A new wonderful world

A winter wonderland,

All for me

Frozen ponds, evergreen trees

There are no foot trails,

The snow glistening with purity

Untouched by humans and creatures alike

It is empty,

So shakable

So shatterable

It’s an empty beauty,

That gives meaning to life

And what we consider death

Snow falls gently,

Almost timidly

I huddle in my robes,

The cold clawing at my person

Yet, I remain

In the frigidity and sereneness of death

And in the promise of warmth and life

Contrary and contradiction,

Yet so alike

Foils, at their finest

Yet similar in their wholeness

My garden,

Once so green and life-filled

Now a portal to a winter world

And then back again

And again

And again
