
Two Acorns on a Twig by Nicholas Morrow



Upon the path where I walk each day

I found two acorns on a stem

and bending down to admire their beauty

clearly heard two voices say,

“Take us with you so we can see

where you go and what you do,

for you have feet and we have none.”


In my pocket I placed them safe,

through the meadow to the lake

and sat for a while, listening,

watched leaves dancing on the water

sparkling like diamonds in the sun,

birds singing a merry morning tune,

and I could feel them watching too.


I placed two acorns on a stem

upon a table in my room

with many found treasures for company

and for three years they were my pleasure,

watched me sleep, dream, and wake,

listened to my prayers, joys, and woes,

met my friends and shared my life.


Then one fine fall day I heard them say,

“The time has come for us to go

for we hear a far-off beckoning

and feel something in us stirring,

something waking we must know.”

So, I planted two acorns on a stem

in the meadow where I walk each day.


Many years have come and gone

and I walk the path to the meadow

telling about two acorns on a stem

to twin girls who now are seven

and we terry beneath two oak trees

whose branches spread wide and welcome,

two girls laughing and my good company.