
Readiness Responsibility

Tune: Galilee

(\'Jesus bids us o\'er the tumult\')

Matthew 25 v.1-13 parts


Be you ready as wise bridesmaids

Were in their fine dress displayed

Awaiting the bridegroom\'s visit

Making sure their lamps are lit


May we have oil for our lamp-light

To see clearly in our sight

When Christ the Bridegroom does return

Having lamps that brightly burn


Ready at any hour for

His return will come, \'tis sure

We cannot others place prepare

They cannot our oil lamp share


When bridegroom returned, the wise they

Went unto marriage that day

With Him, but when foolish supplied

With more oil, they were denied


For the door was shut, they could not

It open, sad was their lot

The too late, Christ them did not know

But wise were blessed, it be so*


* Re-arranging \'so be it\' = \'Amen\'.