The sun-soaked horizon of colour-blind truths
Pours into landlocked webs of decay, surrounded by fleeting trains
The last innocent thing I know
Graceless midsummer creeks into idyllic sea caves
Reality I made up, when I needed to escape the flourishing neon
Limbs, fears slipping out of my hands like honey
You\'re safe with me, my lover, my wildfire, the ghost in my bed
I feel warm next to you, your lips, your feet
Such a dark night, a dark day
I burrow into your skin like lethargy
And I love you
For every man who dies at war
I have made us a chamber, to lie in cement
Sun-smiling downwards through the winter trees
I see a light glowing but it reminds me of the discontent way I feel
Watching you leave
I can\'t avoid the weather
I can\'t forget the happiness you gave to me
The drowning feeling of desire
Your softness
I hope you\'re happier without me.