Xoes Library

In her Shoes

It was like I was looking at a different face

Her voice sounded new to me

She has my height and my weight

She looks just like me

With each passing moment she felt more real to me

I could feel the pain she was going through

A stab to the heart you will call it

Or a dagger to the brain it would seem

Her steps felt light but her heart carried a thousand storms

With constant knocking and begging she asked for his attention

But to him everything else will always be more important

With tears she went to sleep

Like a constant companion it had become

No one else seem important to her

Because even his cut hello sounded more pleasant than the pleasantries of others

I guess the heart do want what it wants she would say

Because she has a million reasons to hate him

But gave herself reasons why she loved him

Nothing I said made sense to her

She just held on to that love that existed only within her

I cried whenever I looked at her

She was too pretty for this, too nice I dare say

It wasn\'t fair to her or anyone else

It didn\'t seem fair

I turned around to walk away

From the pain I saw in her eyes

From the love that made no sense

But I couldn\'t

Because I was stuck in her clothes

I was dancing in her shoes........