
Golden Wisdom\'s Part 1

\"Let\'s Soar Across Spheres And Planes; Seeking \"Golden Wisdom\", Always The Aim; The Light Of Pure Wisdom In The Darkness Is Always Bright With Gains:

The Perfect Storm? Esoterically Sought Transforming Past Mortal Thoughts. But, The Cost Is Often Higher Than The \"Knowledge\" Bought...

Angles Of Angels; Yet, Sacred In \"Golden Mean\". Ratios And Proportions; To The Eye Beautiful & Seen. The Academy; Still Freeing Of Ignorant Thinking\'s Chains. Yet, Socrates Chose Hemlock; When He Was Made To Choose...Shouldn\'t Balance Be The Goal? Only  The Brilliant Can Understand This View!

Dimensions Shift And Collide. Just As A River Ripples & Flows In Constance. Constance Is Flux. Just As New & Old Knowledge; Bend And Sway Together; Forming What\'s \"New\". The \"Cosmic Law Of Flux\"; Is Constantly Fluctuating; Yet; Constant In Rule. Embrace Logica; But, \"Wisdom Is The Tool\".

Golden Is Wisdom! Earthly Jewels Are Yet; But, Rocks Compared To It\'s Sheen. Many \"Valuables And Metals\" Tarnish And Decay ; Unearthed & Form Unseen! All Else Is Pewter; Compared To \"Wisdom\'s Crown Pristine\".





