Niki Oz

I saw you

I had faith in you when you didn\'t even have faith in yourself. I saw angels in your eyes when all you saw were demons. I saw love in your heart when all you saw was pain. I saw your potential when you had already given up. I saw the beauty when all you saw was the beast. I saw your value when you didn\'t even think you were worth a penny. I had your back when you thought you were alone. I loved you with all I had when all you believed is how you thought you were unlovable. I saw forever and you said you saw always when all you really saw was for right now. I breathed life into you when you couldn\'t do it on your own and I gave you praise nomatter how badly you screwed up. I told you it would be ok when we both knew it wouldn\'t.  And I comforted you in every way even when I shouldn\'t have. I saw greatness where you saw failure. I gave you peace when you were in chaos. Mostly, I gave you all of me, when you gave me none of you. I ran toward you and you walked away like it was nothing. You were my world and I was your moment. I\'d give my life for you still, and you\'re not willing to give a second. I gave you life and you gave me death. Yet I still said I love you with my very last breath.