
A human explosion




…..A human explosion and implosion is one of the same, and everyone’s the blame, even if you didn’t take aim; man, woman and child, that’s how we’re compiled, it’s how nature has us filed, social structures attempt to mirror its callings, and properly position people in peoples, we are nature’s cathedral.  The structure is delicate like a  rose I suppose, even though we have strong bones and today we wear clothes, corruption no matter how small, can cause a fall, malfunction in necessary conjunctions; where one held their place with grace, egos and internal struggles cause disgrace in its place, individual selves plague social orders, they are the first to be slaughtered, where there was once a collective now stands a people made feeble, others stand ready to bleed you, not feed you, they stay close in an attempt to read you, so they can figure out how to hang you upside down, gut you and bleed you; they might need you. Other people that look like we do, took our land and our last lamb, they lie and say they took it from another man, cause all men are the same man, it’s only one clan that can all be traced back to one land.