
Alone At Last

Alone At Last.


She sat in the back row… alone

behind the twenty or so others there.

She seemed scared and sad.

Then, they opened the curtain

and the view was all too frightening.

She covered her eyes and cried.

The man is strapped into a chair.

His salty white hair and strong physique

are all she could see peeking through her fingers.

As the gas filled the chamber

and the man convulsed 

she turned away.

When it was over she was the last to leave.

No one acknowledged her presence.

They did not know who she was.

She entered her car and cried some more

before setting off for home.

Four hours later she pulled into the driveway.


She ran to her doorway.

Inside, she cried again.

It was over and the relief finally set in.

He was gone.

She wondered what she would do

with the extra room 

the one she kept open

in case he returned. 

After she learned he was imprisoned

she still kept the room for him.

She wondered and asked herself, often times

if she kept it out of fear.


He was a monster of a father

but now, she is free

and alone at last.