
Never enough

What is it you look for in a mate,

Or in a friend, or someone to date?

Looks, trust, sexual chemistry,

Passion, respect, honesty, fidelity,

Communication, common interests, intelligence,

Eloquence, tolerance, humility, benevolence

Someone caring, well groomed, understanding,

Someone forgiving, cooperative, not demanding,

Someone rich, considerate, ambitious or kind,

Spiritual, famous, witty, courageous, refined,

Someone to be proud of, gentle, with good hygiene,

A good cook, parent, or loves you more than anything

When looking for love

You can have any of the above

You can have anything you want just not everything

Don\'t be greedy, consider well before selecting

So pick any one you wish, but no more

Remember, not even God gives you everything you ask for

If you already have more than one of these in your mate

Consider yourself lucky, don\'t be an ingrate