
My antidote

I suffer loss

My identity slowly crumbling to dust 

life playing it’s wicked games

playing the right tricks right off its sleeves

the circus trick had me thinking thinking I had the upper hand

Only to leave me feeling used

my ego utterly bruised

I suffer loss

loss of the girl I used to be

the best parts of me exiled to a point of no return 

Life’s tricks the  bane of of my life

My head heavy, bloated with so much anxiety 

Weighing me down relentlessly as lightning on my brain

My desire being to just live life

but life itself thinks perfect to have me be a clown 

Heavily designed in disguise

what beauty is there to life

when it’s two faced
the deadly part of it keeps me captive in its unending misery
needing to spread its venom in my veins

You are my antidote

I always want you near me

 To help me find my way back 

to some semblance of normality in my life

your love is my antidote 

It is enough to dilute this harsh life I live
Modifying its complexities into finer pieces

It’s a path I cannot tread alone 

If not cautioned right 

I would be swallowing poisons of self doubt and fear 

continuously be tricked and trapped 

And slowly succumb to drowning in the wells that wish that I disappear

I am relatively weak

it’s a fight I can’t do all on my own
your love is my antidote 

It is enough to quell the fears deep rooted in my core

Enough to quell the poisonous thoughts that desire see me  lose myself 

your love is my antidote 
It is enough to be able bear it all and just live life